Why do you contact us?

Usually our clients are companies that contact us to help them solve challenges that prevent them from increasing their profits or reaching their monthly sales budget…


  • More than 50% of sales are achieved in the last week of the month, because sellers enter their comfort zone and leave everything for last, putting at risk not reaching the established budget and generating high doses of stress for all employees. departments involved.
  • Very long sales cycles and they do not get their clients to make a decision quickly, this is because they do not have a sales system that differentiates them from the competition, generating cash flow problems, unmet quotas, frustration and lack of commissions.
  • Poor closings and difficulty in handling objections, because they use very traditional sales techniques that have existed for more than 50 years, therefore, easily recognized by their prospects, causing 3 or 4 of every 10 presentations to be closed, thus losing a lot of time and of course it is causing the company to lose a lot of money.
  • Excessive discounts, because your salespeople do not know how to deal with these objections from their prospects and in the end the cash flow and their commissions are affected.
  • Problems in expanding their client portfolio, because sellers do not have a Prospecting Plan with innovative techniques that allows them to increase their belief in themselves, resulting in no increase in the productivity of their company.


  • Confusion regarding the definition of roles, responsibilities, functions and processes, due to incorrect influence from senior management, causing disorganization in the respective departments involved and therefore low productivity.
  • Lack of communication between the different departments of the company caused by a work environment of fractured human relations, causing each department to look at its personal benefits and not the corporate benefits as a whole.
  • Constant complaints from external and internal customers, due to the poor treatment they receive from their managers and customer service personnel, causing a bad image of the company in general and therefore, decreasing productivity.
  • Leadership problems on the part of managers, supervisors and senior managers, caused by their negative influence, generating great challenges in the internal communication of their collaborators on upward and downward paths.
  • Staff waste a lot of time on trivialities and find it difficult to organize their agenda towards a focus on priorities due to a lack of planning, causing disorganization and not achieving the proposed results.


  • Employees do not feel motivated to achieve their goals, due to a lack of personal commitment, and because they are not clear about the corporate vision, generating inefficient and unacceptable results.
  • Comfort zone on the part of employees caused by laziness and fear of raising their leadership potential causing low self-esteem and limited mental paradigms.
  • Discipline problems in fulfilling their roles because they resist change, resulting in not being able to achieve the objectives that the company has established.
  • Integrity problems on the part of employees, caused by an absence of values ​​and principles, generating the company loss of assets and confidential information.
  • High employee turnover caused by the fact that they do not feel identified with the mission and vision of the company, generating money losses for the company due to the expenses involved in the entire recruitment and training process.


  • Problems of individualism on the part of the staff due to the fact that they are not used to working as a team with their colleagues and managers, generating division and decreased productivity.
  • The departments focus only on their personal interests because they are not clear about the vision of the company as a team, causing vices to arise in human relations such as; envy, selfishness, intolerance, arrogance, which keep the company anchored in terms of achieving its goals.
  • Staff do not wear the company t-shirt because they have not managed to develop a genuine feeling of identity towards the company, therefore, they do not go the extra mile, nor commit themselves beyond their basic functions.
  • Managers have problems delegating responsibilities and goals to their team, because they do not trust that they can carry out an excellent task, causing results to be achieved very slowly since there is no correct duplication.
  • Communication problems between heads of different departments due to feelings of envy, intolerance and mistrust, causing instability in the execution and achievement of corporate results.


  • Communication problems between the different departments because they assume that their message is interpreted in the correct way, when rather it is a distorted message, generating a fracture in the relationships between internal clients and thus decreasing the productivity of the company.
  • Salespeople find it difficult to close deals and build trust with their clients, because they do not know how to correctly synchronize verbal, vocal and visual communication, therefore, it is difficult for them to increase their productivity.
  • It is very difficult for employees to understand and learn the knowledge that their managers try to teach them, because the teaching methodologies are not aligned with the learning needs of each individual, generating frustration and low productivity when applying in their daily lives, such distorted information.
  • Inefficient business closures by sellers, because they do not know how to interpret the body language that their prospects transmit in the middle of the negotiation, causing uncertainty, doubt and loss of time to complete the sale.


  • Employees have difficulty expressing their thoughts, emotions and feelings, because if they do so they can be aggressive and generate a conflict that puts their work and the company’s productivity at risk.
  • Some members of the company are excessively passive when making decisions and communicating with their internal or external clients and executing urgent actions, due to the difficulty of expressing their ideas in a polite, firm and assertive manner. Causing fractures in communication processes and interpersonal relationships.
  • Problems on the part of management to define agreements with their subordinates, due to challenges in their personality such as aggressiveness and passivity, resulting in misunderstandings and errors in the execution of procedures that imply the productivity of the company.
  • Executives with strong impulses of anger due to high doses of stress, anxiety and tension, generating an unpleasant and negative work environment and therefore high staff turnover and low productivity.


  • Executives with very busy agendas of trivial and non-priority activities, due to the lack of knowledge and discipline to better manage their time, generating emergencies that cause a decrease in their personal and business productivity.
  • Collaborators with great challenges to define constant self-discipline in the achievement of their daily habits and actions, due to erroneous mental programming in their previous jobs or their personal life causing unfulfilled tasks, goals and objectives that are summarized in frustration, fractured work relationships , discomfort on the part of management and decrease in the company’s productivity.
  • Difficulty on the part of managers to implement the principle of Pareto’s Law in the effective management of their collaborators’ time, generating a distorted influence on their subordinates, therefore, a low productivity team.
  • Collaborators immersed in urgent activities on a daily basis, caused by providing unnecessary favors to third parties and by not knowing how to delegate, generating emotional exhaustion, anxiety and unfulfilled tasks.


  • There is no Health and Wellness program for employees because it has never been implemented, causing constant health relapses on the part of the staff and of course affecting the company in its general productivity and loss of money.
  • Constant absences and lateness of its employees due to health problems, generating disorganization in the fulfillment of roles and functions of the respective departments.
  • Lack of energy and enthusiasm on the part of employees because they do not take care of their body and it does not function at 100%, resulting in people being less productive in their work and without initiative towards achieving results.
  • Staff miss a lot of work for health reasons because they do not have a Health and Wellness Program, which means that the company has to make sudden changes in schedules and work roles, which in the end generate high doses of stress. in the work environment.

They are constantly losing clients who are looking to transfer to the competition, because the advisor who serves them does not have sufficient knowledge of the product or service they represent, generating confusion and frustration in the client, and considerable losses in the company’s sales.
They receive constant complaints from dissatisfied customers who feel used to buy because the commercial advisor did not express a genuine interest in satisfying their needs and building loyalty with the company, causing customers to not feel identified with the service received, therefore, affecting the productivity of the company.
They receive constant complaints from their clients due to serious faults regarding the personal image of their collaborators (incorrect clothing, confusing identification, inappropriate aesthetics), generating a poor corporate image and, therefore, a sharp decrease in sales.

  • It is very difficult for employees to understand and learn the knowledge that their managers try to teach them, because the teaching methodologies are not aligned with the learning needs of each individual, generating frustration and low productivity when applying in their daily lives, such distorted information.
  • Inefficient business closures by sellers, because they do not know how to interpret the body language that their prospects transmit in the middle of the negotiation, causing uncertainty, doubt and loss of time to complete the sale.
    And many more topics…
    Coaching processes
    Personalized consulting.
    International conferences.

If your company currently faces any of these situations or others, would it make sense to you that we meet to discuss this situation and thus generate an objective analysis that allows us to determine whether we can help you or not?